Salvatore Abello's Blog

Hacking & other stuff

CSS Exfiltration under default-src 'self'

CSS Injections have always fascinated me. A few months ago, I asked myself: “is it possible to do CSS Exfiltration if default-src ‘self’ is specified in the CSP?” Well, if you’re reading this you already know the answer is yes. Also, I wrote a challenge about this for TRX CTF 2025: Keeper. This post will serve both as a writeup for the challenge and as an explanation of this new “technique”.


fire-leak - ASIS CTF Finals 2024

This year, I played in the ASIS CTF Finals with @TheRomanXpl0it, and we secured 7th place at the end of the CTF. I decided to write this up because I’ve never seen a similar challenge before. @simonedimaria and I worked on this challenge and solved it after about 8 hours. Overview As the name suggests, this is an XS-Leak challenge. We’re given the source code and there are three endpoints.





This is my first CVE published by myself. A lot of times people write unsafe regular expressions that can lead to Denial Of Service and this is an example.

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